Three Jawns: Knight of Cups, Good People, and Nox

Sarah Rose Etter


In the latest edition of her Three Jawns column, Sarah Rose Etter takes a look at new work by Terrence Malick, Robert Lopez, and Anne Carson.

Three Jawns: Lobsters, Louise, and Ritual

Sarah Rose Etter


In the first installment of her new column, Three Jawns, Sarah Rose Etter takes a look at the latest surreal masterpiece by director Yorgos Lanthimos, a Bourgeois exhibition, and the latest from CA Conrad.

Ruin Review 2

Sean Kilpatrick


In the second edition of his catalog of American ruin, Sean Kilpatrick carries his Detroit blood into Williamsburg: “But here bled such searchlight wonders, fumeless in the concoction lungs afford. They assigned my oxygen a DJ.”

Jayne Says

Jane Connor


Resident expert on dating Jayne O’Connor answers your questions about sex, relationships, and dating. Sweet southern advice for sour topics. Art by Danny Jock.

Reversing Entropy

Chris Vitiello


Approaching its tenth year, Greensboro’s Elsewhere Artist Collaborative continues to shape the future out of the stuff of the past.

See Jayne Singly

Jane Connor


Jayne has the final word on her hot pursuit of love. Art by Danny Jock.

See Jayne Disdain

Jane Connor


Meet the guys who never got a date with Jayne, in all the places they’re out lurking. With a sprinkling of sartorial advice and (wing) sauce. Art by Danny Jock.

See Jayne Frankly

Jane Connor


Jayne faces some important hurdles in her relationship with Chris: sexting, honest conversations, and (alleged) crackheads. See Jayne solicit advice from ex-flings. See Jayne at the pool. See Jayne just say no.

See Jayne Sleep With Dogs

Jane Connor


See Jayne go on dates with her ideal man, she’s floating on air, it’s heavenly. In similar fashion, the most succinct poem ever written was about Paradise, “Fleas.” Adam / Had ’em. Art by Danny Jock.

Between Psychics and Stilettos

Jane Connor


A degree in physics will only get you so far in figuring out the laws of gravity and magnetic attraction. Dates by Jayne O’Connor; Algebra teacher by Danny Jock.