The Disordered Mind of Yours Truly
Amy Herschleb07.18.13
Anhvu Buchanan’s The Disordered is a catalog of what ails you in the most understanding and awful terms––no stones cast or unturned––in the precise language of a photograph or a feeling.
Everything I’m Reading Right This Second
Amy Herschleb04.18.13
I strained my neck but supposedly had fibromyalgia for about three gruesome days (it didn’t take) because hypochondria, and I’m over that now, because who has time for that? Which means I count myself infinitely lucky and here is a summary of everything that happened during that time.
A Conversation with Jaswinder Bolina’s Phantom Camera
Amy Herschleb03.26.13
This is much less a review of Phantom Camera and much more a summation of a single conversation spanning years which was caught in the throat of Gchat and coughed onto the page, whole hog.
Love Story: Frida & Diego & I
Amy Herschleb02.14.13
“Frida & Diego: Passion, Politics, and Painting” is on exhibit at the High Museum of Art as of Valentine’s Day 2013. This is about the beholder and all that is beheld.
Skin Job: Evan J Peterson
Amy Herschleb10.18.12
Editor picks at the flesh of Evan J. Peterson’s Skin Job and find what meaty truths are hidden there. Next: a field trip to Chambers of Horror.
Tangents Relating to Death & Scott McClanahan, Maybe
Amy Herschleb09.11.12
This is not really about Scott McClanahan’s Collected Works Vol. 1. It’s more of a reading of a life that would be better in stories directly and kindly told by Scott. It’s looking into the pool of his work and saying “Change me.”
A Conversation with Amy Gerstler
Amy Herschleb08.02.12
In which Fanzine has a conversation with poet Amy Gerstler about the accessibility of language, the relative usefulness of education, the state of the arts, and monsters.
Psycho Moto Fanzine
Amy Herschleb07.26.12
A tribute to DIY culture that brought us the zine. Video by Ethan Minsker of Antagovision.
I May Or May Not Have Interviewed Eric Andre
Amy Herschleb07.15.12
It was the most daunting interview ever: going head to head with professionally bad interviewer Eric Andre. And then it didn’t record. Thank God, because it was a terrible interview.
Chapbook: I Live Here Now by Jackie Clark
Amy Herschleb02.01.12
The latest offering from Lame House Press (which "irregularly publishes chapbooks from emerging poets"), Jackie Clark’s I Live Here Now,…