Ideal Home Noise (1): Sagl, Schrauwen, Robbe-Grillet

Jeff Jackson


Jeff Jackson takes a deep dive into Soviet-era photographs from Sagl, Robbe-Grillet’s films, and a graphic novel by Schrauwen in this first installment.

The Giant Possibilities of the Human Spirit: A Review of Furious 7

Eric Nelson


What can the Fast and Furious movies teach us about death? Eric Nelson reviews.

Inside Ex Machina

Sabra Embury


Ex Machina bends the tech-thriller genre into bizarre love triangles and A.I. Sabra Embury reviews.

Review Of Every Review I’ve Read Of The Sidekicks’ Runners In The Nerved World

Jordan Castro


An exhausted look at the way a record is reviewed nearly the same way every time, over and over, with almost nothing to actually say.

Tiny Rocks: Miniatures, Macabre, & Meaning-Making in Sarah Jean Alexander’s WILDLIVES

Lucy Tiven


“Alexander’s poems oscillate between emotional realism and surrealistic image.” Lucy Tiven reviews.

Charlotte’s Web, Animal Farm, Mort(e)

Sabra Embury


Mort(e) extends the lineage of political allegory with charming, apocalyptic flair. Sabra Embury reviews.

Memory As Story: A Review of Find Me

Amber Sparks


Amber Sparks dives into the memory, loss, and apocalypse in Laura van den Berg’s Find Me.

Blurred Lines: As We Know by Amaranth Borsuk and Andy Fitch

Gina Myers


As We Know redefines the writer/editor relationship by blurring all boundaries between them. Gina Myers reviews.

Oscar Party 2015: White Year

Kevin Killian


At his annual Oscar party Kevin Killian laments the lack of nominees of color while roasting the sure fire white winners playing numerous afflictions.