RESULTS FOR editor picks

Book: The Lost Books of the Odyssey

Casey McKinney


Zachary Mason’s first novel is a work of some detached genius, really a series of vignettes and imaginative retellings, reinterpretations, and…

Music: Japandroids: Post-Nothing

Casey McKinney


Maybe some of you have been watching the Olympics? It’s in Vancouver? ends this weekend, right? If I were there (am still banned from Canada,…

Book: Sabrina Orah Mark

Casey McKinney


Just saw another excellent reading at Whitespace, part of Ready Set Readings, organized by Ann Stephenson. Sabrina Orah Mark is the author of The…

Music: Davy Graham – Large As Life and Twice As Natural

Casey McKinney


Okay for fans of Nick Drake, John Fahey and other alternately tuned guitar players – acoustic here, but it also applies to both the unplugged and…

Book: Eat When You Feel Sad

Casey McKinney


Lately, been reading lots of things about things, like books, things about books, and as they say, afterwards the words have been taken out of my…

Art: Amy Granat: The Sheltering Sky

Alyssa Bianca-Pavley


Amy Granat’s video exhibition creates an environment through projected images and the use of light. The show is inspired by (and takes…

Book: Madras Press

The Fanzine


‘Madras Press publishes individually bound short stories and novella-length booklets and distributes the proceeds to a growing list of…

Book: Bruce Hainley – Foul Mouth

Casey McKinney


Grouping a few recommends together.  First, grabbed this book down in Miami at NADA that lay amidst 2nd Cannons Publications’ booth (we…

Theater: Gisèle Vienne and Dennis Cooper’s ‘Jerk’

Casey McKinney


French theater director ‘Gisèle Vienne’s Jerk is based on the chilling text of Dennis Cooper, an author deemed "the most dangerous…

Film: Aristide and the Endless Revolution

Casey McKinney


First of all donate to the American Red Cross and PIH if you want to help the victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti (but ignore the texting…