Book: Sabrina Orah Mark

Casey McKinney


Just saw another excellent reading at Whitespace, part of Ready Set Readings, organized by Ann Stephenson. Sabrina Orah Mark is the author of The Babies (2004) and Tsim Tsum (2009), books that follow the attraction of two inquisitive paramours, Walter B. and Beatrice. From The Babies, Mark has continued the style (shaped in the tradition of Baudelaire’s petite prose and akin to the modern narrative work of Martha Kinney) and thread of this duo in Tsim Tsum, a Kabbalistic term for “contraction.” Here her words contract into matrices; and in one of of her best poems we are told in a succinct, fantastic way “Where Babies Come From” (speaking of contractions and in case you were still wondering). Mark’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in many journals and in the anthologies, Legitimate Dangers, The Best American Poetry 2007, and My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: Forty New Fairy Tales. Can order her books from Saturnalia ––CM
