Sometimes Humiliation Feels Good: A Conversation with Elle Nash
Nicholas Rys03.27.18
Elle Nash in conversation with Nicholas Rys about her debut novel Animals Eat Each Other, out next week from Dzanc Books.
Between Body and Mind: An Interview with Meredith Alling
Nicholas Rys03.07.17
Meredith Alling in conversation with Nicholas Rys about craft, inspiration, composition, and her debut collection of very short stories, Sing the Song.
Tobias Carroll Goes West
Nicholas Rys12.27.16
Tobias Carroll in conversation with Nicholas Rys about the writing of his new novel, Reel, as well as zines, record labels, Bob Dylan’s Nobel, and much more.
You Gotta Be Careful About That: An Interview with Donald Ray Pollock
Nicholas Rys10.18.16
Donald Ray Pollock in conversation with Nicholas Rys about finding a career writing while working at a paper mill, the contemporary reception of Southern fiction, TV writing, and his latest novel, The Heavenly Table.
Listening for the Voices We All Hear: A Conversation with Scott McClanahan
Nicholas Rys06.23.16
“I don’t think people realize that books are fake and you can do anything you want with a book.” Nicholas Rys goes deep in conversation with Scott McClanahan on the occasion of his latest projection, a collaborative graphic novel with Ricardo Cavolo about the life of cult songwriter Daniel Johnston.
Mock the Death Trance: An Interview with Sean Kilpatrick
Nicholas Rys10.01.15
Nicholas Rys spoke with Sean Kilpatrick about voice, influence, and lack of narrative in his latest book, Sucker June.