White People Problems

Jimmy Chen


“People just loved to hear themselves talk, a constant drum roll preceding what they were about to say.” Jimmy Chen delves into the mental underbelly of the “well-meaning liberal” white man.

Fifteen Minutes

Jimmy Chen


“I guess I’m a little ambivalent about, quote, meeting someone from Tinder at the museum, end quote.” New prose in dialogue from Jimmy Chen.

Untitled Interview

Jimmy Chen


“So, to clarify, just one last time: your novel isn’t Untitled, or Not Titled, but simply not titled, in the sense that there is a void where one might expect a title to be.” Insider info on Jimmy Chen’s untitled novel, from Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Time Unregained: Billy Corgan’s Siddhartha

Jimmy Chen


Jimmy Chen takes a hard look into Billy Corgan’s hard look into Hermann Hesse’s spiritual Siddhartha.

Missed Connections to Myself

Jimmy Chen


Craigslist confessionalism turns inward via the merciless analytic eye of Jimmy Chen.

Difficult Novel

Jimmy Chen


The art of reading: a digest. New fiction and art by Jimmy Chen.

Jackass 3D in a 4D World

Jimmy Chen


Jimmy Chen asks whether it re-contextualizes the question "Does life imitate art?" to rephrase it as "Do teenagers imitate TV?" It seems impossible to believe in the power of art to change lives without also conceding that art can change lives, not only for the better, but also for the worse. Using this lens, Chen examines the live-acton genital mutilaton of Jackass 3D.

Everybody Loves Ramen

Jimmy Chen


So you’re a fan of Ray Romano eh? Yes No Maybe? Well fuggetabouthim and reflect for a moment on that other show, you know the ‘controversial’ and hugely popular, metafictiony, Wong family sitcom known as Everybody Loves Ramen? Jimmy Chen tells the tale of a show still basking in the aether of our retro-consciousness (whether you know it or not). Watch for falling boom mics, and enjoy.