I Learned to Roar (In a Strip Club)
Christina Lee11.14.13
Hip Hop journalist Christina Lee explores industry microaggressions, strip club food, and why you shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss Katy Perry’s saccharine hit.
The Spot-On Stupidity Behind Fat Tony’s Smart Ass Black Boy
Christina Lee06.13.13
While the majority of underground rap now groans and pines for ’90s-inspired artistry and sociopolitical awareness––”Where’s the real hip-hop?” being a key question––Fat Tony’s raps flaunt his smarts but also bear an easy appeal. Smart Ass Black Boy is out now.
A Guitar Hero Guide to Marnie Stern
Christina Lee03.21.13
The latest (and possibly last) Marnie Stern album, The Chronicles of Marnia, prompts a retrospective re-listen of her discography in the hope she doesn’t go the way of Jack Slater.
The Little We See In Moscow Case 1993
Christina Lee03.06.13
Michael Jackson: Moscow Case 1993: An overlooked documentary offers a brief but devastating glimpse at the King of Pop during his fall from grace, a time we would rather forget.
Being Sized Up by Samantha Crain’s Kid Face
Christina Lee02.18.13
When Samantha Crain parted ways with her founding band the Midnight Shivers, the Shawnee, Okla., troubadour picked up an electric guitar and wrote 11 songs written from the perspectives of 16 different people she’s met––2010’s excellent You (Understood), her version of a “breakup album.” But with followup Kid Face, Crain fully embraces her newfound freedom.
We’ve Things to Do: Sitting with We the Common
Christina Lee02.08.13
Christina Lee joins the hootenanny of Thao with the Get Down Stay Down’s third album, We The Common.
Watching TLC on TLC
Christina Lee01.14.13
As a possible 20th anniversary reunion tour approaches, TLC presents two new shows about TLC.
Spreading the Gossip & Gospel
Christina Lee12.11.12
Big Boi’s sophomore solo release, Vicious Lies and Dangerous Rumors, explores new territory both outside the rap community and within the man himself.
Margaret & Mindy
Christina Lee11.02.12
The legacy of Margaret Cho’s All-American Girl, Mindy Kaling’s groundbreaking The Mindy Project, and the importance of sitcoms starring Asian-Americans who aren’t that Asian.
When Riot Grrrls Grow Up
Christina Lee10.12.12
Feminist Press and the Corin Tucker Band’s new releases––the PUSSY RIOT! A Punk Prayer for Freedom eBook and Kill My Blues––both hearken to riot grrrl nostalgia, but with seemingly different responses on how to restart the radical feminist movement. Who’s right?