Artists on Art: mr. Gnome on Henry Darger
Robert Kloss12.12.17
With the latest installment of Robert Kloss’s Artists on Art column, he talks with the inventive band mr. Gnome about the inspiration of Henry Darger.
Artists on Art: Lawrence English on Masahisa Fukase’s Karasu
Robert Kloss10.23.17
Lawrence English spoke with Robert Kloss about his finding inspirational in the hallucinatory, haunting photography of Masahisa Fukase.
Artists on Art: Okkyung Lee on Francis Bacon’s Portrait of George Dyer
Robert Kloss10.05.17
Okkyung Lee shares inspiratorial vibes gleaned from an encounter with a Francis Bacon portrait of George Dyer at the Tate Modern.
Artists on Art: Retail Space on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Robert Kloss07.25.17
With the latest in Robert Kloss’s Artists on Art feature, we get a look into Brooklyn-based band Retail Space’s inspiration via Jules Verne’s classic.
Artists on Art: Katie Gately on Franz Kafka’s The Castle
Robert Kloss06.19.17
In the latest installment of Robert Kloss’s Artists on Art, sound designer and producer-turned-musician Katie Gately shares a major source of inspiration in her admiration for Kafka’s The Castle.
Artists on Art: Marissa Nadler on Jan Svankmajer’s “Darkness Light Darkness”
Robert Kloss06.06.17
Marissa Nadler shares her source of inspiration in the work of Jan Svankmajer and how it influences her dark, dreamy music.
Artists on Art: Emily Cross on Vija Celmins
Robert Kloss04.13.17
Musician and artist Emily Cross, of Cross Record, on one of her visual inspirations, Vija Celmins.
The Lonesome Vastness
Robert Kloss01.07.16
Having recently relocated from Salem to Boulder, Robert Kloss ruminates on the influence of landscape and historical grounding on the life of the mind.