Oliver Zarandi07.12.17
“My husband left me for a pile of bricks. I loved him for two years but we’d been married for ten.” New fiction by Oliver Zarandi.
Body Horror: Eating disorders, anatomy, and place (2)
Oliver Zarandi04.06.17
Part 2 of Oliver Zarandi’s meditation on body, gore, consumption, and physical influence, steering now toward the worlds of Cronenberg, Basketcase, and Travis Bickle.
Body Horror: Eating disorders, anatomy, and place (1)
Oliver Zarandi04.05.17
Oliver Zarandi’s essay in two parts on filmic gore, body image, and physical affect cruises through the unnerving anatomical matter found in Day of the Dead, Hellraiser, Frankenstein, and more. To be continued tomorrow.
Oliver Zarandi10.03.16
Oliver Zarandi shares and intimate and wrenching account of his lifelong eating disorder, centered around the discomfort of swallowing.