Sound and Not
Grant Maierhofer05.08.17
How does noise change who we are? What is the difference between noise as music and mere cacophony? Grant Maierhofer meditates on the influence of chaotic audio in his life, including SUNN O))), Joy Division, and The Body.
from GAG
Grant Maierhofer03.29.17
“I WOULD NOT ASK YOU TO LEND PERSPECTIVE TO MY LIFE IN MUD.” An excerpt from GAG, a new novella by Grant Maierhofer, out tomorrow from Inside the Castle.
The Immediate Coldness and Failures of Language: A Conversation Between Thomas Moore and Grant Maierhofer
Grant Maierhofer02.07.17
Grant Maierhofer and Thomas Moore in conversation about each of their latest books, PX138 3100-2686 User’s Manual and In Their Arms, as well as community, structure, language, loops, and more.
Grant Maierhofer12.22.16
Grant Maiherhofer explores the nature of addiction in his frank and moving meditation of a lifelong struggle with the acceptance of recovery from drug and alcohol abuse.
Let’s Die: The Soho Press Book of 80s Short Fiction
Grant Maierhofer10.20.16
Dale Peck’s curation of important and sometimes neglected avant-garde lit from the 80s–including Mary Gaitskill, Dodie Bellamy, Bret Easton Ellis–stands not to establish a canon, but to undo one. Grant Maierhofer reviews.
Grant Maierhofer09.21.16
“The event didn’t seem to matter nearly as much as the vying for narrative, the ritual search for beginning-middle-end.” New fiction by Grant Maierhofer.
A Pornography of Nods: On Gaspar Noe’s Love
Grant Maierhofer07.21.16
In his consideration of Gaspar Noe’s latest film, Love, a “3D erotic romantic drama” featuring fully penetrative sex, Grant Maierhofer grapples with contextualizing a revered artist’s latest work in the light of conceptual disappointment.
Regarding Lil Ugly Mane and Abject Music
Grant Maierhofer06.14.16
The mysterious aesthetic of cult underground hip-hop icon Lil Ugly Mane shares as much with crust punk and black metal as it does rap. Grant Maierhofer digs deep into L.U.M.’s lineage as an anti-cultural web phenomenon.
tabloid photograph of david duchovny wielding starbucks (an ekphrast)
Grant Maierhofer04.22.15
“I’m like a dog grieving the death of its owner in perpetuity without knowing this means I’m free.” New short fiction from Grant Maierhofer, from his forthcoming collection, Marcel.