The Revolution Will Not Be Filmed
Bradford Nordeen01.02.13
Bradford Nordeen strips down the appeal of Step Up: Revolution according to the evolution of modern cinema and lays bare the most basic bones of the attraction of spectacle.
Moving Picture Show
Bradford Nordeen10.15.12
Bradford Nordeen brings together high- and low-brow offerings for the Laterna Magica set: new work by avant garde filmmaker Michael Robinson & and 2012’s TV indulgence Revenge. Get stuck in.
Vampire Diaries redux
Bradford Nordeen05.10.12
Bradford Nordeen explores the appeal of the derivative of the derivative… ad mortem.
It Was Acceptable in the 90s
Bradford Nordeen04.25.12
Some big historically notable ship sank (again, on film), someone stuck their dick in pie, and Buffy was the hottest vampire SLAYER going. It was the 90s and it’s happening again in a theater near you. Ship sinking (but in 3D), pie molestors getting together for a reunion and more Vamps than you can shake a cross at. Oh and Cabin in the Woods, which is timeless right? Bradford Nordeen takes us to the multiplex.
Top 10 Moving-Image Events of 2011
Bradford Nordeen12.29.11
From feature to porn to trailer to meme, Bradford Nordeen assembles his 10 favorite "moving-image events" of 2011.
Experience the Wait: Carsten Holler
Bradford Nordeen12.15.11
Here’s an idea: art is about access to an imagined experience. Half Seward Street slide and half Escaliers de Montmarte, Carsten Höller’s Untitled (Slide), 2011 is the centerpiece/centrifuge of his New Museum installation Experience, running from October 26 through January 15, 2012. Bradford Nordeen takes a trip through the funhouse of Höller’s making and sends back reports on the waiting front. Here’s the slide, here’s your ticket ro ride.
!Women Art Revolution! – Lynn Hershman Leeson
Bradford Nordeen08.07.11
Lynn Hershman Leeson is at war. Has been for years. Her lastest film !Women Art Revolution! (aka WAR) is a collection of video portraits, interviews with key feminist artists concerning their uphill scrum against an artworld overcooked with machismo, but with a ceiling that’s been cracking since the 70s onward thanks to the likes of Judy Chicago, Carolee Schneeman, the Gorilla Girls and so forth. Bradford Nordeen brings us through Leeson’s career up to her current "revisionist vie for historiography, a smart and sober demand for reparation."
Fanzine Does New York Art Week 2011 (day 4 finale)
Bradford Nordeen03.06.11
Bradford Nordeen traipses through his last day of NYC art fair coverage at Pulse, gets mired in the "absolute purity of vision" of the “bro” art at Scope (even if it’s coiffed dudes making rim job jokes). He finds solace in Beka Goedde’s abstract paintings at Christina Ray, and a carnival-essence at Microscope Gallery, with Nick Zed fanzines, Cindy Sherman’s visage as ex-wife on someone’s balls…later there was the "exciting retort to the Independent" group called – guess? The Dependent. Read on. Collapse. Get ready for another fair in some other cultured metropolis in this smaller & smaller world.
Fanzine Does New York Art Week 2011 (3)
Bradford Nordeen03.04.11
Day 3 sees Bradford Nordeen at Volta, The Independent and The Moving Image Fair. Standouts include Elisabeth Subrin’s film and stills at Volta amidst a lot of synchronistically not-very-original international critiques of American foreign policy, filmmaker great George Kuchar in snap shots from all over the place, and a Jack Hanley presents Martin Kaltwasser "Thunderdome-like" Saab 900, wrecked of course. I predict tomorrow Bradford writes a book at this rate. Check in again.
Fanzine Does New York Art Week 2011 (2)
Bradford Nordeen03.03.11
Bradford is keeping on keeping on, this 2nd day out defining what an Armory show is and manages to cruise the piers without getting physically nauseus (over the ostentatious moneyflow, like he did at Miami Basel a coupla years back). In fact he likes quite a lot about this day, Adrian Ghenie, Ivan Navarro, and Moyra Davey to name a few. Stayed tuned tomorrow for more.