The Stories Are Horrifying: An Interview with Kristen Stone
M. Milks08.13.18
M. Milks spoke with Kristen Stone about their new novel, That Which Girls Conjure Will Help Them Survive, which explores inherited trauma, nervous desires, and the ongoing work of repair.
In Search of Duende: The Fits
M. Milks11.08.16
M. Milks reports on desire and acceptance in The Fits, a film about a young dancer who begins to suffer spasms as a member of a troupe, raising important questions about the lines between sickness and art.
Undead Poets Society: A Review of Kim Yideum’s Cheer Up, Femme Fatale
M. Milks05.24.16
Cheer Up, Femme Fatale combines three major works by one of Korea’s poetic superstars. Megan Milks reviews.
No Weather for Memory to Live in: A Review of Damnation
M. Milks04.01.14
A mysterious book that pollutes everyone who comes in contact with it; a system of ordered hopelessness; the steady panic of an endless grid of noise: Damnation is a book that will make you afraid to be alone with it. Megan Milks reviews.
Images of Kept Women by Kate Durbin
M. Milks05.03.13
A tour through the Playboy mansion: Kate Durbin’s Kept Women as part travel brochure, part cultural archaeology.
Reviving Our Heroines
M. Milks12.10.12
The “madwomen” of Modernist literature come out of their cages and rattle the bars in Kate Zambreno’s Heroines.