ARTICLES BY chelseahod
The Language of Our Own Private Country: An Interview with Leah Dieterich
Chelsea Hodson10.30.18
Chelsea Hodson speaks with Leah Dieterich about transparency, unattainability, lyrical prose, and ballet’s archetype for romantic love in Dieterich’s new novel, Vanishing Twins: A Marriage.
Unpublishable: The Chelsea Hodson/Joanna Newsom Interview, 2004
Chelsea Hodson12.07.17
In this installment of Unpublishable, Chelsea Hodson blows the dust off of a micro cassette recording of her interview with Joanna Newsom that explores lyrics & love.
Very Rational People: Scott McClanahan in conversation with Chelsea Hodson
Chelsea Hodson06.26.17
Scott McClanahan’s latest, The Sarah Book, finds him at the height of his powers, speaking like only he can speak. Recently he caught up with Chelsea Hodson to talk about the making of the book, the being of a person, changing who you are, and much more.