ARTICLES BY Lonely Christopher

In a Mirror Maze: A Review of Derek McCormack’s The Well-Dressed Wound

Lonely Christopher


The Devil assumes the form of Martin Margiela in one of 2015’s most decadent and best new books. Lonely Christopher reviews.

We Are Not Here: An Interview with Aaron Mirkin

Lonely Christopher


Filmmaker Aaron Mirkin and author Lonely Christopher discuss their process of collaboration translating short story into short film.

That Which

Lonely Christopher


Lonely Christopher brags "You might be the loneliest person in the world. You’ll never be as lonely as me," but what he lacks in friends he seems to be making up for with admirers. His short story collection The Mechanics of Homosexual Intercourse is due out in February from Akashic and has already been praised by Dennis Cooper, Kevin Killian and Dale Peck. His story "That Which" explores the mother-child bond with the apocalyptic intensity that only a true shut-in can know.