Moleskin(e) Deep
Gean Moreno07.03.13
In an age that fetishizes the “private” scribbling of Winston Smith––with a notebook that can now be synched to the computer––Moleskine partners with prominent architects to produce proofs of inspiration.
Alain Badiou: Philosophy For Militants
Gean Moreno02.07.13
The new translation of French philosopher Alain Badiou’s lectures explains why Militants are necessary to philosophical thought, who the hero of our times must be, and which colors to wear for Spring (anything that goes with red, basically).
Gean Moreno06.27.12
Trapped in the dream of architecture, a decaying rodent opens the way to new paradigms of structural inquiry. Die Weltgeschichte ist auch die Summe dessen, was vermeidbar gewesen wäre. New fiction by Gean Moreno.
A Tunnel Too Far
Gean Moreno04.26.12
Privatized infrastructure is reshaping Miami, not in an Edward Sharpe “Up From Below” type of way––more in an Underminer way.
Roberto Burle Marx: The Modernity of Landscape
Gean Moreno03.01.12
The landcape architecture of Roberto Burle Marx is the interstitial fluid that lubricates the intersection of nature and artifice. As the lines blur that separate insular impulses of design, the artist reimagines the usefulness––and ultimately, the paradigm––of deliniation. Gean Moreno takes us through Burle Marx’s garden of forking paths.
Coupling: Strategies for Infrastructural Opportunism
Gean Moreno09.25.11
InfraNet Lab/Lateral Office is building a new architecture out of the carapaces of our dreams and failed cities. In volume 30 of the esteemed publication Pamphlet Architecture from Princeton Architectural Press, INL/LO suggests six "post-national" infrastructures from a proposed bridge across Bering Strait to Vatnsmyri Airport in Reykjavík. Gean Moreno considers the post-dreamtime landscape with a keen eye on the visually stunning and an ear for which playlist is called to muster.
Clip/Stamp/Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X to 197X
Gean Moreno04.19.11
A certain type of architectural book has proliferated from the 1990s on – mammoth "doorstops" from heavyweights such as Rem Koolhaas in pubs like S, M , L , XL. But in the 1960s and 70s a different breed of architecture publication was common – smaller, handmade, with the DNA of the maker visible (well almost surely a fingerprint or two). Artist and publisher Gean Moreano has researched these magazines collected in the book Clip/Stamp/Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X to 197X for inspiration.
Assume Vivid Astro Focus: Chaos Bound
Gean Moreno12.02.10
Try and judge Assume Vivid Astro Focus’ first monograph by its cover and you may be falling for an old adage which instructs one not to bother. Instead start flipping. Flip, then focus. Then go back and read the main essay and appreciate the fact that it’s gonna be a bitch to put a hardcover lid on an art collective that is heir to the Situationists International. Artist Gean Moreno tackles that notion, and all this movement, color and vivacity, but sets off on a different tack, one tinged by say… Caribbean Carnival?
The Invisible Dragon Redux: La Chanson de Dave
Gean Moreno07.27.09
Been a long week off, and now over at mom’s trying to catch up, but then Apocalypse Now (redux) comes on and delays the blurb, am thinking of the beauty of this film, each time seen, different elements unnoticed before twixt all the the dreamy smoke screens of colored flares, like little Roman Coppola reading Baudelaire at the French Plantation. Here, in this review by artist and critic Gean Moreno, we reexamine the meaning of beauty – Dave Hickey’s take on it, in his redux version of a book released in 1993, The Invisible Dragon. ‘To each his own chimera’ – as Baudelaire would say? This book stirred controversy before and surely will again.
John Russell Q & A
Gean Moreno09.27.07
Gean Moreno corresponds with London artist/cum curator/cum publisher/cum jack of all trades mad man (in the best of ways) John Russell seeking to find an answer to the question what else can art do?