Hockey Night: an occasional column

Michael Louie


Procrastination be damned! Mike Louie is an unabashed Philadelphia Flyers fan and this column is one in an occasional series he will write on sports, particularly the NHL Playoffs, which have been underway for about a week now. This time he responds to the Washington Post’s Mike Wise, who, in a bad attempt to imitate one of Louie’s favorite writers, ended up looking foolish across the Internet by scribbling not the best informed column about the Flyers-Capitals game Tuesday night.

Talk Show 11: with Jon Clinch, Don Lee, Robert Anthony Siegel, Alix Strauss, & Sean Wilsey

Jaime Clarke


My first car was a ’76 Toyota Corolla "Honcho" station wagon, bright orange with faux wood siding. You could start it with a butter knife and when going down hills you could turn it in such a way that it would slide like a good grind on a skateboard. Threw a rod on it, then it sat till the Chatahoochee flooded it… Anyway, this ain’t my story… Jaime Clarke talks to writers Jon Clinch, Don Lee, Robert Anthony Siegel, Alix Strauss, and Sean Wilsey about their first automobiles. Art by Danny Jock.

Talk Show 10: with Brock Clarke, Elizabeth Gaffney, Felicia Sullivan, and Jen Trynin

Jaime Clarke


Well we’ve all had ’em, shitty jobs, and more often than not that’s been the case for those illustrious folks self-proclaimed as or who have otherwise earned the title "writer."…because writing, often doesn’t pay, well, shit. Or that’s this editor’s experience anyway. But enough from the blurber, let’s hear the shizzle on scheisse jobs from a batch of fine true writers – Brock Clarke, Elizabeth Gaffney, Felicia C. Sullivan, and Jen Trynin, all in conversation with host Jaime Clarke. Art by Danny Jock.

Talk Show 9: with Jami Attenberg, Adam Braver, Nina de Gramont, Ann Hood, and Moon Unit Zappa

Jaime Clarke


Got any spring break plans yet? Well, what about your strikethrough list of places not to visit? Host Jaime Clarke talks with authors Jami Attenberg, Adam Braver, Nina de Gramont, Ann Hood, and Moon Unit Zappa about places they plan never to go to. Art by Danny Jock.

Talk Show 8 with Allison Lynn, Joshua Neuman, Thisbe Nissen, Dan Pope, and Rachel Sherman

Jaime Clarke


In the new Talk Show Jaime Clarke leads the gab with authors Allison Lynn, Joshua Neuman, Thisbe Nissen, Dan Pope, and Rachel Sherman. The theme this time around is "family myths." They say truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, but is your family as disfunctional as the folks on Seinfeld? Or wish they were? Find out about a family who does and more in Talk Show 8. Art by Danny Jock.

Talk Show 7: Julianna Baggott, Lisa Borders, Maria Flook, Antonya Nelson, Darin Strauss

Jaime Clarke


It’s Talk Show time again, and in episode 7 Jaime Clarke talks to authors Julianna Baggot, Lisa Borders, Maria Flook, Antonya Nelson and Darin Strauss about the most monumentally significant pop culture moments in their lives. Art by Danny Jock, who explains in defense of the somewhat baldness of his Tricky Dick spector that "ghosts don’t have hair, silly…"

Don’t Drink The Creek Water: JT’s Southern Hospitality

Nick Sylvester


9 out of 10 Fanziners agree, Justin Timberlake is hands down the most talented ex-Mouskateer of them all! But does that mean the southern bred gentleman has the Midas touch with any ol’ thing (like the restaurant business)? Nick Sylvester makes it a few months late to the opening party for Southern Hospitality, Timberlake’s co-owned BBQ joint in Manhattan – but Hospitality is taking reservations for a New Years bash, so if you missed their opener too, come on down, but good luck spotting JT. Art by Danny Jock.

Talk Show 6: Susan Cheever, Rachel Kadish, Daphne Kalotay, Mameve Medwed, Hannah Tinti, Vendela Vida

Jaime Clarke


In Talk Show 6, Jaime Clarke asks authors Susan Cheever, Rachel Kadish, Mameve Medwed, Hannah Tinti, and Vendela Vida to conjure memories of their first day of school. Art by Danny Jock.

Talk Show 5: with Maud Casey, Myla Goldberg, Karl Iagnemma, Christopher Sorrentino

Jaime Clarke


In the 5th installment of Talk Show, Fanzine’s regular hot seat thing-a-ma-jig for writers, host Jaime Clarke speaks with authors Maud Casey, Myla Goldberg, Karl Iagnemma and Christopher Sorrentino. The conversation is framed by this challenge: "Name an historical event you wish you would’ve witnessed/participated in and why." Art by Danny Jock.

Megaphone Guy & The Deadly Snark

Nick Sylvester


Genius grant recipient, satirist, and short story writer George Saunders released his first non-fiction essay collection, The Braindead Megaphone, earlier this Fall. In the title essay, Saunders discusses the fatal flaws of mainstream news media and sends it up in the process – not unlike what Gawker Media set out to do with The Gawker Guide To Conquering All Media, the internet company’s first foray into print. Nick Sylvester examines both efforts and decides which was more successful. Art by Danny Jock.