Review of Allie Brosh’s Hyperbole And A Half
Sarah Maria Griffin10.11.13
Set off against the millenial panicscape of a world where internet lists are a thing, Allie Brosh’s long-awaited book, like her webcomic, reads like the journal you’ve been too anxiety-ridden to keep. Sarah Griff dissects Brosh’s preternatural ability to remind us that we are going to be okay.
#YOLO: A Review of Jimmy Chen’s Dear Depressive
Jarett Kobek10.10.13
Formspring may no longer exists, but Jimmy Chen’s Dear Depressive archives the author’s quasi-candid reality-philosophizing tracts into a handy eBook of hilarious profundity. Jarett Kobek reviews.
Review of Dissident Gardens by Jonathan Lethem
Mark Asch10.04.13
Jonathan Lethem’s latest chapter of New York novels is in some sense “a commensurately “big book,” about family, and the promise and disappointment of the Left, its chronology-skipping chapters encompassing protest singers, hippie anarchist communes, Sandinistas, Quakers, queers, academic Theorists and Occupy crusties.” Ah but there’s more…
Six Steps To Being Salinger-Esque
Patrick Wensink09.30.13
Patrick Wensink watches the new J.D. Salinger biopic and gleans how you too can live a thrilling life of quiet isolation.
I Reviewed the Most Disturbing Children’s Book of All Time
Shane Jones09.12.13
Meta language that makes Calvino look like a pussy and design seemingly “concocted from a dinner date with Matt Furie and Ryan Trecartin”, “Oscar’s Book is basically twenty three pages of Oscar the Grouch yelling, specifically, at the reader and their child”. Shane Jones reviews the most disturbing (and one of the best) kids books ever.
Turning Everything Inside Out/ Imagination and Memory: An Interview with Jeff Jackson
Thomas Moore09.10.13
Fanzine sits down with Jeff Jackson to talk about intermediate consciousness, haunting childhood recollections, and writing through a hypnagogic haze in his debut novel, Mira Corpora.
“What the Witch Doctor Says”: A Review of Travis Jeppesen’s The Suiciders
Blake Butler09.09.13
Travis Jeppesen’s new novel The Suiciders works over/ fucks the reader, seeps into the mind like a good cult should. Blake Butler reviews.
This is Not a Review: A Fan’s Notes of Madness, Rack, and Honey
Alex Gallo-Brown08.21.13
The uselessness of poetry, the pretension of coffee, and the unutterable necessity of it all.
On-the-Run Expansion Pack: Paging Jared Joseph
Jerimee Bloemeke08.12.13
A dissection of the image of the artist: Jared Joseph as Frank Quitely, as Hosni Mubarak, as Jared Harvey. The words that build a poet.
Some Notes on Andy Mister’s Liner Notes
Laura Carter07.30.13
An interview with Andy Mister on the “meta-modern” Liner Notes, narrowing the margin where music and writing meet.