Ghosts Won’t Keep The Baby Product Royalties Rolling

Joseph Goosey



Skewwhiff goes the Muppetry
By which Welcome is meant
& Marie Antoinette
The Remix is in the building
Pissing hot upon the diggers
From first class feat. Husband
Who’s got nothing but the finest
Of predatory feed sticks
Impaling all available cavities &
The outside of this building
Has that heads of other humans
Are inside of this building vibe
Or aura or whatever it is while
Whatever this happens to be
Needn’t ever actually be
While fiscal responsibility
Is bile for the gen-pop &
Blood floods the admin
While playing hostage sitch
Inside of Fort Knox all like
Looky Daddy The Money
It’s a thin ass piece with two Cs
Claiming conspiracy
While railing lines of flour
From a poverty tit
While Xs cover any offense
By which Sorry isn’t meant
& Marie squats on our nose-face
‘Cause there’s a blindfold
Which we forgot &
Also the great pleasure gerbil
Of ’92 – long decayed –
Doing his dang shimmy
Inside the classified &
Checkered dance floor carcass
Of the department
Of ethics & accountability
So ensues a tire fire
& none of the afterlife


Joseph Goosey is the author of a chapbook, STUPID ACHE, published by Greybook Press. Other poems have shown up in Cordite Poetry Review and WUSSY Mag. He lives in Southern Pines, North Carolina.