* have a municipal complaint? you can feed it to my corpse-body’s pre-creamed rectum— the chowder smell of jism lights me up as a hot little effigy in the peasantarium in the microbirch i roll my only zygote home from the accretion camp where the warden says we can squelch a little harder— above our cilia the meat- planet begins its muscular eclipse & its feelers siliconnesce into an oleander- haze my infra-kink irradiates the cormorant-paste & this prisonbrane’s magnetic touch follows me everywhere— when a synapse fails this brane has no time for you & our million ossified lips suck the secretions into the neo-pyramid deep inside when i flickerflicker my larvae phosphoresce along the border dawn breaks in my voice pouring its kerosene over the mercury isle
Madison McCartha is a black poet whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, DREGINALD, Full-Stop, jubilat, Yalobusha Review, The Pinch, and elsewhere. He has served both as Asst. Editor and Design Editor for Cream City Review, and became the Poetry Editor for Storm Cellar. Madison holds an MFA from the University of Notre Dame.