Mad Max: Fury Road with Sasha Fletcher
Sasha Fletcher06.16.15
The conclusion of our Mad Max retrospective, with a deep gaze into its latest addition, Fury Road, with Sasha Fletcher.
Mad Max Revisited (3): Beyond Thunderdome
Sasha Fletcher06.10.15
The conclusion of our look back at the original Mad Max saga: Beyond Thunderdome, with Sasha Fletcher.
Mad Max Revisited (2): Road Warrior
Sasha Fletcher06.09.15
The second installment in our look back at the original Mad Max trilogy, moving now to Road Warrior, with Sasha Fletcher.
Mad Max Revisited (1): The Original Mad Max
Sasha Fletcher06.09.15
In the glow of Fury Road, we take a look back at the original Mad Max trilogy, close up to the screen with Sasha Fletcher.
Unknown Girl Gang: An Excerpt
Sasha Fletcher09.03.14
Sasha Fletcher shares a wild, carousing excerpt from his novel Bandits! Bandits!, involving an immortal gang, America, and the human heart.
A Movie With Sasha Fletcher
Sasha Fletcher08.18.14
Sasha Fletcher stops by to review Under The Skin and talks eating cake, kerosene, and aliens.
Two Movies With Sasha Fletcher
Sasha Fletcher03.27.14
Have you ever wanted to pop a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie with Sasha Fletcher? All of your dreams have come true as he reviews Blue Valentine and Melancholia.