ARTICLES BY nathanielp
Hidden Signals: A Review of Cynan Jones’s The Dig
Nathaniel Popkin06.18.15
The colliding lives of badger baiters and lamb birthers derive beautifully stark tension. Nathaniel Popkin reviews.
The Void Becomes The Solid: A Review of Conversations With Beethoven
Nathaniel Popkin10.14.14
Nathaniel Popkin uncovers the silence and response of Sanford Friedman’s inventive portrait of Beethoven through his struggle with his nephew Karl and his written notes.
My Own Saint: A Review of Letters of James Agee to Father Flye
Nathaniel Popkin06.11.14
Nathaniel Popkin reviews despair, evil, organs, and The Letters of James Agee to Father Flye.
A Paradise Lost: A Review of Camenisch’s The Alp
Nathaniel Popkin04.17.14
Nathaniel Popkin offers an incisive take on existential terror and the symphonic bursts of The Alp, just out from the Dalkey Archive.