Tell the Truth in the Truest Way Possible: A Conversation with Thomas Page McBee
Marisa Crawford10.21.14
Thomas Page McBee’s writing brings attention to men’s lives as socialized, gendered experiences, rather than having invisible or absent gender. Marisa Crawford talks with him about choice, empathy, and his new book, Man Alive.
Four Poems
Marisa Crawford05.13.13
Four new poems from maven of mid-90s nostalgia Marisa Crawford detailing the life and times of the 8th Grade Hippie // whatever happened to all the mixtapes in the world??
Michelle Tea Magic: An Interview
Marisa Crawford02.27.13
Fanzine recruited fellow fangirl Marisa Crawford to talk to Michelle Tea about magic, her forthcoming YA Novel Mermaid in Chelsea Creek, and a bazillion other current projects that bring queer & feminist perspectives into the conversation of What is Awesome. Call it Zeitgeist. Call it the pink elephant in the room.