Swimming in Starlight: A Review of Hannah Lillith Assadi’s Sonora
Kimberly King Parsons04.25.17
“Like coming across an animal skull in the sand, gleaming and picked clean, Sonora is as striking as it is unforgettable.” Kimberly King Parsons reviews Hannah Lillith Assadi’s debut novel.
The Bedrooms of Our Childhoods: On The Incantations of Daniel Johnston by Scott McClanahan and Ricardo Cavolo
Kimberly King Parsons07.18.16
Scott McClanahan and Ricardo Cavolo’s intercostal collaboration on a graphic novel of cult singer-songwriter Daniel Johnston’s life rewards its reader with surprising and moving nuance depicting the life of a true outsider. Kimberly King Parsons reviews.
Hypothetical Kids: On Maya Newell’s Gayby Baby
Kimberly King Parsons06.06.16
A moving new documentary, recently banned in Australia, follows the lives of children of same-sex parents. Kimberly King Parsons reviews.