A Type of Understanding Stripped of Vision is Feeling: On Christopher DeWeese’s The Father of the Arrow is the Thought
Kent Shaw12.29.16
A consistent sense of wonder laced with consequence looms throughout the body of Christopher DeWeese’s vivid second collection of poems, The Father of the Arrow is the Thought. Kent Shaw reviews.
Complicated Love: On Joanna Klink’s Excerpts from a Secret Prophecy
Kent Shaw06.30.16
Where inside the speaker does love poetry come from and what becomes of love when it can no longer be professed? Kent Shaw reviews the latest book of poetry from Joanna Klink.
What Are We Violence: Jennifer MacKenzie’s My Not-My Soldier
Kent Shaw03.17.16
Kent Shaw moves through the overwhelm of violence–and the questions of responsibility–in Jennifer MacKenzie’s My Not-My Soldier.
Uniquely Qualified Observer: Donna Stonecipher’s Model City
Kent Shaw01.05.16
A contemporary relative to Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities, Donna Stonecipher’s Model City threads the idea of a multiplicity of place into one immense Model City. Kent Shaw reviews.
Amidst So Much Meadow: A Review of James McCorkle’s The Subtle Bodies
Kent Shaw10.15.15
Kent Shaw reviews the showering aliveness of James McCorkle’s newest collection of poetry.
One Abstraction: On Laodicea by Eric Ekstrand
Kent Shaw08.20.15
Kent Shaw dives through the multiple abstractions and lyricism of Eric Ekstrand’s Laodicea.