Melt Down Low Down
Jordan Somers08.22.13
Vague recollections of the year’s best party: a field reporter tries to remember what he was doing in the woods. Art by Danny Jock.
“We Don’t Need Freedom?” an Interview with Ian Svenonius
Jordan Somers05.10.13
Ian F. Svenonius discusses his new book, Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock ‘n’ Roll Group, a satirical instruction manual slash insightful lesson in Capitalism from the late greats. His book tour brings the new title (and perhaps a séance or floating chair) to 529 Bar in East Atlanta, Saturday, May 11th at 7:30 pm.
Cracker Barrels for the Creative Classes
Jordan Somers04.26.13
Both sides of the cultural divide against the tedium of the middle: a serving of nostalgia trends in the faux-olde timey bar and restaurant scene.