Melissa Broder’s World is Small and Pathetic: A Conversation With So Sad Today
Jordan Castro05.03.16
Jordan Castro g-chats with Melissa Broder of So Sad Today about addiction, internet persona, crystals, depression, and her debut book of essays.
Review Of Every Review I’ve Read Of The Sidekicks’ Runners In The Nerved World
Jordan Castro04.30.15
An exhausted look at the way a record is reviewed nearly the same way every time, over and over, with almost nothing to actually say.
Every Song On Lana Del Rey’s Ultraviolence
Jordan Castro08.07.14
Jordan Castro provides his track by track review of Lana Del Rey’s Ultraviolence.
Books I Read In Rehab
Jordan Castro07.15.14
In rehab, books can provide time to not have to listen to other people talking. Jordan Castro provides a list of the books that helped him through recovery.