Nu-Metal Can Decay: In Conversation with Theodore Darst
Ed Steck10.25.16
Filmmaker Theodore Darst in conversation over his new video, THE TOURIST – a bad neighborhood, taking on infinity, horror, environments, nu-metal, rioting, and Woodstock ’99.
When the Car Won’t Start: It’s Exactly What You Think It Is, If It’s Exactly What You Think It Isn’t
Ed Steck04.11.16
Ed Steck veers his monthly column on b-movie horror toward 1973’s Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood, a reality-bending, resolutionless ensemble unnervingly set at amusement park in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
When the Car Won’t Start: The Somnambulant Body Melt of The Incredible Melting Man
Ed Steck11.19.15
In the first installment of his ongoing B-movie and exploitation film revue, Ed Steck takes a look at the bizarre confluence of styles at play in 1977’s The Incredible Melting Man.
The Brain That You Want In The Moment That You Want It: A Review of Steven Zultanski’s Bribery
Ed Steck12.30.14
Bribery bears witness as an unrelenting cavalcade of American grotesquery. Ed Steck reviews.