Dead Babies
David Peak02.27.19
“The colors of the dark relaxed into a warm wrap of orange that haloed the horizon.” Fiction by David Peak.
Black Fog: An Interview with Jon Padgett
David Peak11.29.17
Jon Padgett spoke with David Peak about Padgett’s debut collection, The Secret of Ventriloquism, a “relentlessly creepy, exploring themes of altered realities, human simulacra, and occult conspiracy.”
Excerpt from Leviathan
David Peak02.17.16
“This is real, Roland thought, strangely calm, resigned to whatever it was that was happening.” An excerpt from a novel-in-progress, Leviathan, by David Peak.
The World’s Longest Yard Sale
David Peak03.13.14
David Peak takes us alongside his road trip through the largest yard sale in the world, spanning 700 miles across five states and an insane array of beautiful junk.
The Parenthetical “O”—on Gary J. Shipley’s Crypt(o)spasm
David Peak02.11.14
David Peak takes an in-depth look into the singular experience that is the work of Gary J. Shipley.