Imprints 5: Tom Perrotta, Gay Talese, Legs McNeil and Jennifer Osborne
Zach Baron11.15.07
In Zach Baron’s 5th Imprints, a monthly books column, his theme is sex, and as a befitting follow up to Mailer, it tends towards the macho, then twists back to the humorously male deprecating. Included in the review is Gay Talese’s classic Thy Neighbor’s Wife, Legs McNeil & Jennifer Osborne’s The Other Hollywood: The Uncensored Oral History of the Porn Film, and a new one by "lapsed Roman Catholic" Tom Perrotta, The Abstinence Teacher, a novel which pits the prurient against the pious in a high school setting.
Save The Receipt: Rethinking Wes Anderson
Zach Baron10.17.07
Wes Anderson’s latest movie, The Darjeeling Limited, has provoked a number of critics to express their exhaustion with his hermetically sealed realm of white bourgeois male privilege. Zach Baron wonders whether these critics aren’t missing the point.
IMPRINTS 4: Dana Vachon, Doug Stumpf and Jim Cramer
Zach Baron09.29.07
"Wealth rubs people in different ways," writes Zach Baron, who in his first IMPRINTS tackled DeLillo’s Falling Man. Baron isn’t through with the world of finance yet, and in IMPRINTS 4 he addresses two novels concerning the subject – Dana Vachon’s Mergers & Acquisitions and Doug Stumpf’s Confessions of a Wall Street Shoeshine Boy. For good measure, he also gives a turn to CNBC’s seemingly insane Wall Street analyst Jim Cramer and his book Mad Money: Watch TV, Get Rich.
IMPRINTS 3: Andre Aciman and David Markson
Zach Baron07.31.07
Zach Baron reviews two novels of the summer romance variety (if you will) – Andre Aciman’s Call Me By Your Name and David Markson’s debut Wittgenstein’s Mistress. Not your average beach books…
IMPRINTS 2: Jeff Hobbs, Steven Hall, Joan Didion, Richard Yates, John Gregory Dunn…
Zach Baron06.28.07
Zach Baron’s second installment of Imprints runs the gamut from first-time novelists Jeff Hobbs (The Tourists, touted as "your ticket to snide fun in Manhattan" by USA Today) and Steven Hall (The Raw Shark Texts, about which critical quips have not been provided by Mr. Baron, or USA Today) to Joan Didion, Richard Yates, John Gregory Dunn, and Don DeLillo.
IMPRINTS 1: Don Delillo, Simon Rich and Joshua Ferris
Zach Baron05.19.07
Imprints is the debut of Zach Baron’s monthly book review column. This month Baron reviews Don Delillo’s newest, Falling Man, Simon Rich’s Ant Farm, and Joshua Ferris’s Then We Came To The End.