Count Backwards from Ten: Mark Gluth’s Top 10 Vocal Songs & Instrumental Albums
Mark Gluth03.14.17
Double mind for your eye with two top ten lists of Mark Gluth’s favorite vocal songs and instrumental albums, including work by Guided By Voices, Lil B, Kitty Pryde, Oneohtrix Point Never, and much more.
from No Other
Mark Gluth05.20.15
“It was the world that was washing over her. When she thought she just thought she was fucked.” An excerpt from Mark Gluth’s novel No Other, out now from Sator Press.
The Heavy Fucking Sky: A conversation with Thomas Moore
Mark Gluth05.30.13
Context, influence, and desire: an interview with Thomas Moore about his new collection of poems The Night Is An Empire, available from Kiddiepunk June 3rd.
Waver & Change // Bring Me The Head Of Kyle Bobby Dunn
Mark Gluth06.09.12
Mark Gluth gets lost in the sonic vistas of Kyle Bobby Dunn’s latest, which will be released June 25.
Wolf Parade: Expo 86
Mark Gluth06.29.10
5 years ago Wolf Parade released Apologies to the Queen Mary to wide acclaim and instant classic status. It was an album that was as good as the hype and, more importantly, resonates as well to this day. They’ve since released a second album, and co-front men Dan Boeckner and Spencer Krug have also had careers with their own side projects. Today their third album, Expo 86, emerges to a vastly changed musical landscape. Is a world full of ever changing micro genres and scenes within scenes ready to care again about something as old fashioned as Indie Rock?
Film: Trash Humpers
Mark Gluth06.24.10
A sexual, incantatory, violent nightmare. Four devils wander through a largely deserted rural landscape and its interiors destroying objects, tap…
Music: Xasthur: Portal of Sorrow
Mark Gluth05.08.10
American Black Metalist Malefic has staunchly refused to compromise his vision or execution since starting the project known as Xasthur 15 years ago….
A Boy Named Xiu
Mark Gluth02.27.10
Xiu Xiu’s first album, Knife Play, felt new, an eye opening reconfiguration of so many thoughts, desires, and influences that it sounded like music you’d heard before, the way a platypus looks like an otter. As their career has progressed over a multitude of releases and side projects they have both refined and expanded their sound and lyrical obsessions. Dear God I Hate Myself, their latest full length, is available now. Mark Gluth is the author of a new acclaimed novella, The Late Work of Margaret Kroftis, on Akashic’s Little House on The Bowery series.
Best of 2009, Musically Speaking
Mark Gluth12.29.09
Seems Limewire might have been a darling again in 2009, but If you could actually afford to buy any music this year, here are some of the best albums you might have grabbed up as suggested by Mark Gluth, resident of the PANW (Pacific Northwest as he explained to us) and author of the awesome new novella The Late Works of Margaret Kroftis. From Sunset Rubdown to Sunn O))) here we go…
The Flaming Lips get Embryonic
Mark Gluth10.13.09
The Flaming Lips have a new album out today, with a title that harkens either a new beginning or return to roots. You can guess which, but the main figuring problem (if we haven’t already) is do we opt for the $40 furry super rad version, the $13 Itunes or local indie store deluxe cd version, the $8 Best Buy basic version, rip it from a friend, or like one would as a deadhead, just get a tape of one of the live shows. Mark Gluth ponders here in fact why more don’t follow this band in a caravan like those Phishheads do (the Lips have got their own carnivalesque show on, but way, way better). So read up, then listen, it’s a doozy. Here’s Embryonic.