Is this Ed Park?
Ed Park06.30.07
Ed Park’s first novel, Personal Days, will be published by Random House in 2008. While we wait, Park shares with us another peek at his Borgesian work-in-progress, The Dizzies. Illustrations by Park himself.
Concerning the Work of Dark Red Paw
Ed Park10.28.06
In what is arguably Orson Welles’ best movie, F For Fake, the director (with sly chagrin beaming from glassy eyes) serenely references a line from Kipling: "It’s pretty, but is it art?" Later in the film, he updates this question with more modern, art market apropos flair: "It’s pretty, but is it…Rare?" Ed Park’s hero from this excerpt of his manuscript The Dizzies is forced to ask himself: Is it pretty, did I break it, and how much are we talking about here? Fanzine is proud to have this preview from Park, a founding editor at The Believer and a caustically funny, formidable storyteller in his own right. Enjoy now, and remember later, you read it at Fanzine first.
accompanying illustrations by the author