Real Escapism: Kentucker Audley and Team Picture
Brian Pera11.03.08
Brian Pera reviews Ketucker Audley’s Team Picture, which started gaining attention at last year’s Memphis Film Festival. Since then it has been featured in New Talkies: the DIY Generation series at IFC, and film scholar Ray Carney included it as part of Independent’s Week: New Independent Cinema 2007 at the Harvard Archives. Team Picture has been embraced by – yet stands apart from – the current laissez-faire Youtube genre trend "mumblecore." Pera argues that Audley wields a unique style that bridges somewhere between the verité of a Cassavettes or Antonioni – the scenes slow and thoughtful, the directing more slight-handed than sleight of hand, and the final product beautiful and with purpose.
Reviews: Wayne Koestenbaum’s Hotel Theory and Masha Tupitsyn’s Beauty Talk & Monsters
Brian Pera08.26.07
Brian Pera reviews two new books: Wayne Koestenbaum’s Hotel Theory, a visually experimental work which juxtaposes two seemingly disparate texts, a collusion of dead stars and theory and into one cohesive package, and Masha Tupitsyn’s Beauty Talk & Monsters, a collection of observations, "Disguised as a series of short stories," of women seeking "apartness-as-refuge."