Magazine: McSweeney’s & The Believer combo subscription

Casey McKinney


Note price correction, originally way off:  But here’s a deal if there ever was. For $90 you get 4 issues of McSweeney’s and 10 of The Believer. Considering that the next issue of McSweeney’s is $16, or a McSweeney’s subscription is $55, it’s a no brainer bargain. Let’s see – 90 divided by 14 printed objects is roughly $6.42. And that next $16 McSweeney’s will constitute a 400 page (huge), one issue Sunday style newspaper with many writers I am quite familiar with (friend Richard Parks, the estimable William Vollmann, etc). The idea is to show that print newspapers can do really cool (and hard hitting) stuff (in light of The San Francisco Chronicle going in and out of a death rattle). Still, at $16 a (one off) pop, I’m afraid most would still opt for the internet for their daily news. But I imagine great journalism and as always great design from the McSweeney’s folks. Itching to see # 33 (see a better explanation in the NY Times). Oh and subscribe to the Chronicle too, as their inexpensively priced daily model of print journalism needs your support as well.
