Just the Chip Tip
Sabra Embury08.03.16
“Can you match your nails to the bruises?” New fiction by Sabra Embury.
Inside Ex Machina
Sabra Embury05.04.15
Ex Machina bends the tech-thriller genre into bizarre love triangles and A.I. Sabra Embury reviews.
Charlotte’s Web, Animal Farm, Mort(e)
Sabra Embury04.14.15
Mort(e) extends the lineage of political allegory with charming, apocalyptic flair. Sabra Embury reviews.
Body Map: The Face Hole
Sabra Embury07.29.14
Body Map is a series that invites authors to write about the body. In this edition, Sabra Embury talks about the meat flap above the eye.