REVIEW: Philip Roth’s – Everyman
Sam Sacks05.23.06
As somewhat jaded, detached fans of Woody Allen’s personal life, Humbert Humbert, Gustave Von Aschenbach, etc… Fanzine doesn’t always wholly endorse its writers’ opinions as moral tautologies, yet we appreciate Sacks for beautifully nailing Philip Roth on a particular annoying tendency in American literature, the clichéd sexual braggadocio of the solopsistic veteran author.
REVIEW: In Persuasion Nation by George Saunders
Sam Sacks04.17.06
Sacks argues that Saunders, the author of the great CivilWarLand in Bad Decline and Pastoralia, might be treading water with the political satire on this one, a collection that is saved by a good old fashioned love story.