ARTICLES BY Kevin Killian

High School Musical: a review

Kevin Killian


So you think the movie musical is dead? What about the made-for-TV musical? Kevin Killian takes on Disney’s High School Musical.

Oscar Nosedive

Kevin Killian


Did Jack Nicholson steal an Oscar again (like Jack Palance did in 1992)? Kevin Killian is shocked by Crash‘s upset over Brokeback Mountain at the Academy Awards Ceremony, and a tad bit perplexed over other happenings.

Review: Firefly and Serenity

Kevin Killian


Buffy and Angel fan Kevin Killian takes on the last two projects of "the affable megalomaniac" Joss Whedon.

John Wayne Flying High

Kevin Killian


In Killian’s 3rd Film World Entry, he is pleased to find more John Wayne being smartly released before The Duke’s demographic base dies off.

Profile: Tura Satana

Kevin Killian


Awestruck by Russ Meyer’s quick mouthed vixen, Kevin Killian finds that sometimes when it comes to meeting a film goddess, timing is everything

Charlie Chan on Boot DVD

Kevin Killian


Author Kevin Killian begins his column FILM WORLD by trying to watch every pirate Charlie Chan film on DVD (all 42), and in the process comes to some startling Freudian conclusions! Don’t miss seeing Kevin see the unseeable.