Reflections on Art From the Mailbox: Nickalous Typaldos’ Untitled Photo from the Jardins Des Tuileries
Audrey Tran04.04.11
Nickalous Typaldos’ Untitled Photo from the Jardins Des Tuileries
Taken last September in the Tuileries Gardens…
Reflections on Art From the Mailbox: Kerry Flaherty’s Unicorn Multiples
Audrey Tran03.09.11
Art from the Mailbox: Kerry Flaherty’s Unicorn Spectrum
The multiples Kerry Flaherty created for Special Delivery presents the…
Reflections on Art from the Mailbox: Nicole Kuprienko’s Hobgoblin 2
Audrey Tran02.18.11
A satellite dish is just a bundle of metal, nuts, bolts, and wire fastened together. For anyone familiar with the neighborhoods in…
1/27th of a Love Letter: Reflections on art from the mailbox
Audrey Tran02.11.11
Jennifer Gustavson’s 1/27th of a Love Letter
Howdy. I’m here to write a few words about a mail-art project called…