
Jeff T. Johnson


forest fog

Here trees are marks.
—Michael Palmer





Hidden in the woods this whole time, hidden in the woods hidden
in the forest, hidden in the paper hidden in the trees. This whole
time, this whole forest, this whole woods. Hidden in the book,
hidden in the woods. Not Y but W, hidden in the woods. The
sound of the wind, the whisper in the woods, W in the woods,
hidden in the trees. Her hand on the alarm. Hidden in the woods.







Y hid behind W, after W hid behind Y. Tree before W before Y,
after tree before Y before W. W & Y winding around tree, first 1
tree and then the next, 1 tree & 1 tree & 1.

The tree before the tree before the tree.







That a book on paper is a forest is vanishing time is emergent
from its own conditions is the superposition of 1 & 1 & 1 tree is a
number of numbered pages is written on leaves is the floor on
which the forest stands, is Y the monster hidden in the efes.







To the extent the book is every book, the book is every book the
book may be.

The forest, though, is no theoretical forest, except in that the world
is 1 possible world.







Experience of Y the monster

In space

The woods


Outside the forest

Looking in


Looking out in

The forest

From the efes

Y the monster experiences


Experience of the monster







If the forest is without &

the woods within

& each page a new stand

each tree in fact a page

The Forest Without &

call it

The & Of The Woods

there are no small words


the woods exist

whether or not the book

but the forest

the forest needs the trees


A perfect example

Of linguistic alchemy

Or bias

Where what sounds best

Is what is


There is

The book








The woods


The reverse is true

The woods need

The trees


The forest goes on

With or without

The book


The book

Eats woods

And shits lit


Jeff T. Johnson’s writing has recently appeared or is forthcoming in PEN AmericaJacket2Encyclopedia Vol. 3Tarpaulin Sky, and elsewhere. With Claire Donato, he collaborates on Special America. His open-field concrete digital poem THE ARCHIVERSE is documented at archiverse.net, and is anthologized in Electronic Literature Collection Volume 3. A chapbook, trunc & frag, is at Our Teeth. He is currently a Visiting Instructor at Pratt Institute. For more information, visit jefftjohnson.com.