Wanna Talk About The Real Junk?
Lux Interior, Cramps frontman, dead at 60.
Here’s a favorite little ditty from one of the skinniest men in showbiz, Lux Interior, who’d could shove a mic down his pants1, then down his throat while howling, and then up your butt if he wanted. The punks of the world keep dropping like flies, yes human flies, and I’m wondering if Yeats and Johnny Rotten and the rest weren’t right, that this center isn’t gonna hold, and (more, yeah even…more) anarchy will be loosed upon the world. The falcon can’t hear the falconer and… Oh whatever, we won’t be able to hear the Garbage Man in the flesh anymore, and that was the way to do it. There they are above live, The Cramps, Posion Ivy and crew at the Napa State Mental Institute (and no I didn’t shoot that, was 11 and still in decent mental health before I got around to acid and “Psychedelic Jungle”, but did catch them at the Roxy a few years later, at, if this person’s records are correct, their first show in the ATL (in God, 1990?). Well had to wait a few years before their southern fused ‘pyschobilly’ vibes made it to the motherland…). Anyway, yeah Lux was the real junk. -CM
Garbage Man
“you ain’t no punk, you punk. you wanna talk about the real junk? if i ever slip, i’ll be banned ’cause i’m your garbageman. well you can’t dig me you can’t dig nothin’. do you want the real thing, or are you just talkin’? do you understand? i’m your garbageman. yeah, somethin’ from the garage and down the driveway. now get outta your mind and get outta my way. now do you understand? do you understand? louie, louie, louie, lou-i the bird’s the word and do you know why? you gotta beat it with a stick. you gotta beat it ’til it’s thick. you gotta live until you’re dead. you gotta rock ’til you see red. now do you understand? do you understand? i’m a garbageman. aw, jump on and ride… yeah it’s just what you need when you’re down in the dumps. one half hillbilly and one half punk. big long legs and one big mouth. the hottest thing from the north to come out of the south. do you understand? do you understand? woo, i can’t lose with the stuff i use, and you don’t choose no substitutes. so stick out your can ’cause i’m your garbageman. louie, louie, louie, lou-i the bird’s the word and do you know why? you gotta beat it with a stick. you gotta beat it ’til it’s thick. you gotta live until you’re dead. you gotta rock ’til you see red. now do you understand? do you understand? do you understand? all right, hop off. ” -Lux Interior
1. This particular clip recommended from D.C.’s blog. I figured he’d of found the definitive ‘Garbage Man’ as I know that was his fave, and maybe why I focused on that tune here, but anyway, giving credit where it’s due. A good one for the mic everywhere bit…