RESULTS FOR The Sarah Book

Christmas Presents Full of Nothing: A Review of The Sarah Book by Scott McClanahan

Meghan Lamb


How to build a moving story out of a lifeline of lies, loss, and bad decisions? Meghan Lamb takes a look at how Scott McClanahan’s The Sarah Book weaves its strange and heartfelt magic.

Standard Book Promo: Chelsea Martin & Scott McClanahan in Conversation

Chelsea Martin


Chelsea Martin & Scott McClanahan both promote their own books, Caca Dolce and The Sarah Book respectively, & fight a little bit about their own schticks.

Very Rational People: Scott McClanahan in conversation with Chelsea Hodson

Chelsea Hodson


Scott McClanahan’s latest, The Sarah Book, finds him at the height of his powers, speaking like only he can speak. Recently he caught up with Chelsea Hodson to talk about the making of the book, the being of a person, changing who you are, and much more.