Philip Dinolfo03.09.16
“We stopped at a local crafts store, and I bought a jasper pyramid, about two square inches at its base and a menacing, ancient-looking yellow color.” New very short fiction from Philip Dinolfo, inspired by Roberto Bolaño.
Excerpt from Leviathan
David Peak02.17.16
“This is real, Roland thought, strangely calm, resigned to whatever it was that was happening.” An excerpt from a novel-in-progress, Leviathan, by David Peak.
Elizabeth Ellen01.20.16
“I was manufacturing melancholy. I was trafficking in it. I was afraid of becoming boring. Or I was bored.” New fiction by Elizabeth Ellen.
Two Stories from Camouflage Country
Ryan Ridge & Mel Bosworth01.13.16
Two very short stories from Camouflage Country by Ryan Ridge & Mel Bosworth, out now from Queen’s Ferry Press, and with illustrations by Jacob Heustis.
Other Babies
Meredith Alling12.16.15
“Other babies suck the life force from any adult human that looks into their clean glass baby eyes. The adult humans are powerless.” New short fiction from Meredith Alling.
The Institute for Erotic Vertigo12.09.15
“The background information is mentioned but refused development. There is only the present in the text, no future, no past.” New prose from The Institute of Erotic Vertigo, a collective.
Sarah Gallien12.02.15
“I try to see how still I can be. I can be very, very still.” New short fiction by Sarah Gallien. Art by Danny Jock.
Rhoads Stevens11.04.15
“I asked her if they were pinching her, and she said no. She said let’s rub asses.” New short fiction by Rhoads Stevens.
Mark Baumer10.28.15
“Sometimes when he gets handed meat he will immediately begin eating it, but other times if he’s feeling obedient he will wait until he’s parked his truck and he’s alone.” New short text by Mark Baumer. Art by Danny Jock.